Sri Sri Sri Vishweshateerth Swamiji

विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते ।

Sri Sri Sri Vishweshateerth Swamiji dedicated his life for the service to humanity. His vision and dream was, every human being should lead a meaningful life and Sri Sri Sri Vishwaprasanna Swamiji followed the footsteps of his Guru. With the divine blessings of both Swamijis new school Vishweshateerth Public school is manifested.

Sri Sri Sri Vishwaprasanna Swamiji



Our Guru, a king among saints of this centenary, SRI VISHWESHWARA TEERTHA SREEPADARU was always known as a synonymous for his Social Service. He has constructed many Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Research Centres and Student Hostels all over the Country.

Dharwad City is well known for Writers, Artists and Social Workers and is very aptly known as “City of Accomplishers”. That is the reason “His Holiness” had a special affinity, love and preference for Dharwad. Apart from visiting Dharwad again and again he also performed “Chaturmasya Vrata” twice in Dharwad.


In the year 1955, “His Holiness” established the very first Students hostel in Dharward for the study and personality development, for the benefit of the Economically Backward students. This gave an impetus to boost the morale of thousands of students who were hitherto deprived of good education. It may be noted that today there are hundreds of persons who have made their names in different paths of life and who were inmates this hostel. Noting the path of achievement (Saadhana maarga), Helping nature & Service spirit and also Dharwad people’s admiration, the Hanumanthanagar Housing Society donated more than an acre land to “His Holiness”.

Swamiji had an ambition and vision to establish an educational institution with top educational facilities to impart standardised education to the students. However, due to various reasons the same could not be materialised during his life time. Therefore keeping in view of our Guru’s ideals, we are determined and decided with proper “Sankalpa”, to fulfil his ambitions & Visions. We have decided to build an excellent public school as a memorial to our Guru, with all facilities in tune with the modern “National Education Policies” and provide education to the students. We have considered almost all aspects of a modern education system and facilities that can help students in their overall personality development & growth. We are also planning for a job-oriented training / education through which students can be Self-reliant / Self-dependent.

In the current year (2023), from the month of June we are starting LKG & UKG Classes. The area of the School Building will be around 50000 Square Feet. It is estimated that the construction of this 4 storied School will cost around Rupees 10 Crores.

We take this opportunity to request all the admirers (Abhimanis) of Sri Vishwesha Teertha Sreepadaru in Particular and public in General to join hands in this “NOBLE CAUSE” and contribute / donate generously with your “Tanu”, “Mana”, “Dhana” as a “SEVA” and obtain the blessings of Lord Sri Ramachandra and our Guruji. We recollect once again the love & affection and the trust shown by the people of Dharwad and Uttara Karnataka to “His Holiness” always and request the same from you to consider this as “YOUR” institution and perform the “VISHESHA KNOWLEDGE / GNAANA SEVA”

Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha Sreepadaru
Pejawara Mutt

Welcome to Our School


Pejawar Math Educational Institution Group having more than 15 well established schools at various places in Karnataka is now starting a new school at DHARWAD

Your Child Deserves The Best Education And This School Will Aspire To Give As Per Wish Of Sri Vishwaprasannateerth Swamiji

  • Holistic Development of the child.
  • Excellent facilities and environment for development of the child.
  • Well equipped playground.
  • Activity based teaching.
  • Preparing the child by imparting knowledge of our rich culture and heritage.
  • Four languages will be taught.
  • Well trained teachers and faculty.
  • Permission availed from education department.


  • Admission Open

Special Features / Uniqueness of School

The ancient Gurukul education system has been incorporated into a modern framework by carefully selecting and integrating relevant contemporary ideas and concepts. This has resulted in the formation of a Panchamukhi (five-dimensional) Educational approach.

The underlying principles behind this approach are focused on nurturing the overall development of a child's personality. Additionally, the theoretical and practical aspects of the Panchamukhi (five-dimensional) Education are incorporated into the daily curriculum and activities in a systematic manner.

In simpler terms, the school has combined traditional wisdom with modern educational practices to create a holistic learning environment. The emphasis is on fostering the growth of the child's personality by integrating various aspects of education, both in theory and practice.

The primary objective is to ensure the holistic development of the child (future citizen) and contribute to the formation of a healthy and cultured society.


Kids benefit a lot of skills development when they learn to draw. Kids express their emotions and feelings through drawing.

Day Care

A well-supervised daycare setting is an excellent venue to encourage the development of different skills among young kids

Slokas / Vachanas

Sloka chanting helps children sharpen their intellect. Recitation enhances systematic breathing and supplies additional oxygen to the brain which helps it stay sharp and focus better.


Your child can improve their endurance, stamina, and energy by dancing. It also encourages strength and muscle development.


For young children, yoga is more than just a physical activity. A regular yoga practice can help children develop skills that will help them through adolescence and later in life.


Music helps in stimulating the part of the brain that is responsible for reading, math, and emotional development.

Panchamukhi (Five-Dimensional) Education for the Holistic Development of the Child's Personality.

  • Annamayakosha (Physical Body) Physical fitness, motor skills, agility, flexibility, endurance.
  • Pranamayakosha (Emotional Body) Good manners, self-reliance, empathy, sincerity, obedience.
  • Manomayakosha (Mental Body) Concentration, discipline, self-confidence, leadership, self-control.
  • Vijnanamayakosha (Intellectual Body) Self-reflection, self-study, creativity, knowledge, teaching.
  • Anandamayakosha (Spiritual Body) Worship-devotion, rituals, Vedic chants, Bhagavad Gita, spiritual discourses, spiritual gatherings, religious and cultural events.

Why is Sanskrit the practical language?

In our inner world, there are two important aspects: intellect (buddhi) and mind (manas). Intellect helps us understand concepts, while the mind is like a reservoir of emotions and thoughts. The subjects we learn cater to the intellect, but language lessons directly connect with the mind. These language lessons have the potential to shape our lives. While other subjects provide material gain, language lessons provide cultural enrichment.

Our regional language, Kannada, our mother tongue, generates waves of thoughts and carries a stream of ideas. It is the language that nurtures our thought process.

Hindi, the national language, is widely used in our country. It is a beautiful language that is necessary to learn. Let's learn it correctly.

Now, the country's lifeline, the scientific language, is none other than Sanskrit. It imparts the culture that its name suggests. It contributes to the development of our personality. Let's preserve and enhance it along with our own individuality.

Thus, the language of communication in our school is Sanskrit, chosen with great affection and pride, to impart the culture that the language symbolizes. Let's learn and nurture the language with the aim of preserving it and growing along with it.


Proposed School Building & Infrastructure

We request you to support the Management by extending of your financial help


Name of Bank : Karnataka Bank Limited,
Gopalpura Branch, Dharwad

Account Number : 2582500102712101
IFSC Code: KARB 0000 258

Preference will be given at the time of Admission to donors, parents & relatives.

Sri Rama Vittala Trust (R) is registered under the Indian Trust Act and also with the Income tax department. All donations to Sri Rama Vittala Trust are exempted under 80G of ITI.

The school was inaugurated on 23/04/2023 by the divine hands of His Holiness Shri Shri Shri Vishwaprasannateertha Swamiji of Udupi Pejawara Mutt and recognised by the Department of Public Education, Karnataka.